Sports and recreation facilities. Indoor sports venue, team building, tournaments, netball, cricket, venue hire & more. Fully licensed bar, catering and/or barbecue facilities. Fast foods served on tournament days. FREE WI - FI
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General Sales & Services
Vehicle Related / Fitment Centre
General Manufacturing
General Retail
New Franchise
Work from home
Manager run
BEE opportunity
Personal document procuring and queuing service for Home Affairs, etc. The seller is also happy to consult and assist on a per-job basis wit...
Yearly profit: R871,885 GP
From the design concept to the installation of paint and powder coating plants, industrial ventilation and process ovens and servicing there...
Yearly profit: R2,311,200 GP
Property sale inspections and repairs for beetle, electrical, plumbing and gas and the issuing of compliance certificates for these.
Yearly profit: R698,208 WC
A well-established business with a solid client base.60% GP Margins and an easy to run business with low overheads. A gem up for the take.
Yearly profit: R850,803 GP
Established for numerous years, profitable and manager run. This business is well equipped for the DIY enthusiast to assist with home impro...
Yearly profit: R867,942 EC
This practice is probably one of the largest and busiest in the country. Excellent extra income through the on-site dispensing of nutritiona...
Yearly profit: R1,662,459 GP
Service, repairs and sales as well as rental of lawnmowers, bush cutters, chainsaws, generators and other equipment.
Yearly profit: R604,433 WC
This business has been in operation for over 30 years. It has an excellent reputation in delivering top end kitchens to both domestic and co...
Yearly profit: R902,387 GP